JNN, Chandigarh. Panchkula CBI court will pronounce a verdict on August 25 in the case of Sadhvi sexual harassment case against Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim. Even before the verdict, it has started to mobilize in Haryana. Security agencies have become alert after this. Meanwhile, today it has been decided to stop the school and college from 23 to 25 August in Haryana.
Education Minister Ramblas Sharma said that this decision has been taken in the wake of the safety of children. At the same time, the Haryana government has cancelled all the Mandal commissioners, DC and SDM vacancies with immediate effect. Not only this, the officials who have already been cleared leave their holidays.
Under the muscle of Sirsa Dera Sacha Sauda chief, the operation of all buses in Sirsa district of Haryana Roadways will be closed. Buses of the co-operative society are being closed two days back. From today, the buses for Chandigarh and Panchkula have also been closed. Both GM Roadways and RTA have confirmed the closure of the buses.