Lithium-ion or Lithium polymer batteries have been used from decays by battery manufacturers to provide energy to our devices. Earlier the device didn't require high capacitive batteries. Nowadays, devices require the high capacitive battery to fulfil the need of current to the hardware they are provided with.  But the sizes of battery kept almost similar to their ancestors, thus batteries became denser hence causes exposures. Let's look at a diagram of Li-ion battery.
li ion.gif

This electrolyte causes the exposures. Whenever this electrolyte get punctured it work as conductors to the positive and negative side of battery hence leads to exposure. To understand this topic in detail CLICK HERE.  So they are not the safest option in the market.


Batteries that do not contain a liquid electrolyte are much safer than the batteries with a liquid electrolyte. Such batteries are known as solid state batteries. A gentle man took an initiative to make the batteries much safer. HERE is the full explanatory video of his initiative. It's my humble request to the battery manufacturers that please use such kind of batteries which are much safer than existing Li-ion batteries.
Hope this article would help you with your research. Have a nice day!