Nowadays, India is one of the most copiously developing country in this world. Community's development leads to the development of the country. Community's development depends upon the ideology of people belonging to that community, Our community has realised the vigour of internet. We accepted the fact that one can earn enough by choosing their career as a YouTuber, Blogger etc. People of all age group, especially Middle age and teenagers contribute a huge role for Indians to stand among the list of best YouTubers or Blogger in the world. Some of them are:-
Technical Guruji
Technical Guruji is an inspiring example for those, joined or want to join the youtube community as an Indian. Gaurav Chaudhari is not an Indian, He belongs to India but currently, he has the nationality of Dubai. His each and every video is in Hindi. He successfully created a community of millions of Indian people through his youtube channel.Sharmaji Technical
- BB ki Vines
We organise a special price for a special viewer, claims that he/she never watched BB ki Vines even once in life. BB ki Vines was the first YouTube channel based on the concept of vines. BB ki vine was the first youtube channel to bring the concept of vines in Indian youtube history. Mumbiker Nikhil
Mumbiker belongs to Mumbai and was first to spread the knowledge of Vlogs among all the YouTubers and audience. He started his youtube channel as a part time job Afterwards, he left his job and choose youtube as a full-time career.iGYAAN
iGyaan is the English language based technical channel created and managed by an Indian YouTuber. Bharat Nagpal lives in New Delhi. He creates high-quality and sometimes sponsored reviews. His videos can compete any other foreign top ranked youtube channel.